Random Human Character

Name: Kyara Alexei
Alignment: Aberrant
Occupation if no OCC chosen: Gunslinger
O.C.C.: Reaver Bandit/Raider O.C.C. (Warlords of Russia, p.85)
Speech Pattern: Squeaky
Hair: Wiry
Face Features: Chiseled
Characteristics: Sucks teeth
Personality: Arrogant
Knacks: A safe place
Note: You always reference how your mother would feel about any topic in conversation.
Instinct: To make money


IQ: 13
Skill Bonus: 0%
ME: 14
ME Bonus: 0%
MA: 12
Trust/Intimidate: 0
PS: 13
PS Bonus: 0
PP: 15
PP Bonus: 0
PE: 13
PE Bonus: 0
PB: 11
Charm/Impress: 0
SPD: 14
MPH: 10
Birth Order: Second Born.
Weight: Average. Obese; seriously overweight
Disposition: Tough guy. Cocky and self-reliant. May he a lone wolf or the strong, silent type.
Where from: Small town magic community where magic. creatures of magic. D-Bees and ethnic diversity were commonplace.
Adventure Reason: Sense of duty
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Random NA-D-Bee

Noli Bushman

Random Rifts OCC

Phantom R.C.C. (Phase World®, p.36)

Random RCC

Zapper R.C.C. (Psyscape, p.81)

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Random ShonicBurn

Random Loot: Multi tool

Random Weapon (new): Chain Flail (warhammer 40k) 3d8 Bludgeoning Martial, Two Handed, Heavy Reach (10ft) 3x Requires (PS) Strength of 22, On a hit the target is grappled DC15 (PS)Strength check to escape

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Random Personality

Female Name: Dorla Luis

Male Name: Javen Wendell

Random Name: Jaye Myles

Personality: Philosophical

Knacks: Comprehensive local knowledge

Note: You don’t have a censor, and always let people know exactly what you think.

Alignment: Principled

Occupation if no OCC chosen: Borg

O.C.C.: Men-Rail Tech Master R.C.C. (South America 2, p.l 11)

Speech Pattern: Crisp

Hair: Bald

Face Features: Distinctive nose

Characteristics: Repeats same phrase over and over

Instinct: To find the six-fingered man

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